General Investment Risk: The Portfolio’s investment may fall in value due to any of the key risk factors below and therefore your investment in the Portfolio may suffer losses. There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal. Equities Securities Risk: The Portfolio’s investment in equity securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors, such as changes in investment sentiment, political and economic conditions and issuer-specific factors. Health Care Industries Risks: The economic prospects of the Health Care Industries are generally subject to greater influences from governmental policies and regulations than those of many other industries. A substantial portion of health care services and related scientific research is funded or subsidised by government, and changes in governmental policies. Concentration Risk: The Portfolio’s investments are concentrated in specific industry sectors, instruments or geographical locations. The value of the Portfolio may be more volatile than that of a fund having a more diverse portfolio of investments. The value of the Portfolio may be more susceptible to adverse economic, political, policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal or regulatory event affecting the market. Eurozone Risk: In light of ongoing concerns over the sovereign debt risk of countries within the Eurozone, the Portfolio’s investments in the region may be subject to higher volatility, liquidity, currency and default risks. Any adverse events, such as credit downgrade of a sovereign or exit of EU members from the Eurozone, may have a negative impact on the value of the Portfolio. Emerging Markets Risk: The Portfolio will invest in Emerging Markets, which are subject to higher risks (for example, liquidity risk, currency risk, political risk, regulatory risk, economic risk, legal and taxation risk, settlement risk and custody risk) and higher volatility than developed markets. Fluctuations in currency exchange rates may negatively affect the value of an investment or reduce returns – these risks are magnified in Emerging Markets. Currency Risk: Underlying investments may be denominated in one or more currencies different from the Portfolio’s base currency. Also, a class of shares may be designated in a currency other than the base currency of the Portfolio. This means changes in exchange rate controls, currency movements in such underlying investments and fluctuations in the exchange rates between these currencies and the base currency may significantly and unfavorably affect the net asset value of the Portfolio’s shares. Risk in Investing in Financial Derivative Instruments: Risks in investing with financial derivative instruments include counterparty / credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. The leverage element / component of a financial derivative instrument can result in a loss significantly greater than the amount invested in the financial derivative instrument by the Portfolio. Exposure to financial derivative instrument may lead to a high risk of significant loss by the Portfolio. |